Thursday, 26 February 2009

Training programme - Week 8

We thought you may like to know exactly what our marathon training programme entails, so each week we are going to upload our training programme for that week...

We are now in week 8 of a 16 week training programme and here's what we have had to do / have to do this week:

Monday Rest or 3m jog
Tuesday Jog 1m then 3 x 1m brisk (9 mins) with 400m (3 mins) jog between then 1m jog
Wednesday 7 mile jog slow (80 mins)
Thursday 1m jog then 2m brisk (18 mins) then 1m jog
Friday Rest (yippee!!)
Saturday Race anything between 5m and a half marathon
Sunday Rest (yippee!!)

Sounds like fun does it not???

The runners are seperated this weekend - Grumple is off to the land of the Scots so will be doing a shorter distance because of all the hills... I am hopefully going to run with Jamie Wallace to improve my pace but we have not decided the distance for definate yet!

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Soooo Generous!

Thank you SO much to everyone who has already sponsored us, you have all been hugely generous. Having only sent the email out this morning we are nearly 1/6 of the way towards our target and more imporantly have already raised lots of money for a really deserving charity...

It is so kind of all of you and all your donations are really really appreciated. Now all we have to do is run the darn thing!!!

Thank you so much.

A and G x

Monday, 23 February 2009


Our justgiving page is live and active! If you have not yet sponsored us then please do - the charity we are running for is excellent. The SIA (Spinal Injuries Association) is the national organisation of the UK's 40,000 spinal cord injured people. SIA provides a helpline, conducts research, campaigns and offers a peer support network, a link Scheme and a website. Promoting self-help through the sharing of experiences and advice, SIA believes that life needn't stop when you're paralysed.

For more information on the Spinal Injuries Association, please visit their website at:

Here are some ways in which the money that we raise can help others:

Ø £25 provides help for a caller to our Freephone Advice Line

Ø £50 funds one session with our Family Counseling Officer

Ø £100 pays for a twice-weekly chatroom on our website for one month

Ø £250 supports our website and chatroom for a week

Ø £500 funds a Peer Support Team in a Spinal Cord Injury Centre for two weeks

Ø £1,000 funds the research, production and distribution of six information factsheets

Ø £2,500 funds the Freephone Advice Line for one week.

Please do sponsor us anything that you can; however big or small, your contribution can help others to have an improved quality of life. Please visit our page at:

Thank you.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Totally exhausting...

A few weeks ago, Grumps and I ran 12 miles. Tom Wallace joined us (for fun!!??!!). We ran along the river from Wandsworth, 1 1/2 times around Battersea PArk, over to Clapham Common, round bits of that then back via Wandsworth common and then back to my house.

We managed the run in 2 hours which was impressive work due to my condition. I was ferociously hung over and lacking sleep and Tom and Grumps were excellent at making me jog on...

Then we had a week off. A whole week with no running. TOTAL BLISS!!!

Training re-commemnced on our return from Austria. We both felt like totall lead-legs all week and were dreading Saturday. But sadly, we have no choice! We headed off the Richmond Park on a beautiful crisp morning with blazing blue skies. Our 14 mile run involved two laps of the Park which we completed in 2hrs 15. We were both totally exhausted and felt rather depressed when we finished to realise that for the marathon we have to do the same again as well as the run two weeks earlier - how will we ever do it? We are both hoping that adrenaline will be a major factor...

I hope lots of you will come and watch us... The marathon is on Sunday 26th April and the more the merrier - we will need all the support we can get!!

We both had a deep tissue massage after our run on Saturday which was actually pretty painful... Apparently we are both suffering from a few 'standard' running injuries and both have 'lateral compartment syndrome'. Something to do with a long thin muscle next to our shins which means that we should have massages every few weeks in the run up to the marathon. Is this just a cunning tactic to blind us with science and earn the osteo regular income???

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Breaking the ten mile barrier

Training has stepped up a level and last Sunday Grumps and I met up to run 10 miles; our first really long run.

We were both home for the weekend and so Tishbabes drove us to Church Stretton and the plan was to run back. It was a freezing cold morning and we were wrapped up in gloves and scarves. We soon warmed up as we ran - the Stretton road has a ludicrous number of hills which I never noticed in a car... But we managed to keep each other going and ran 10.1 miles in 1 hr 35 mins. Impressive work from a couple of amateurs! We are going to try and do all our long runs together - it works better for us and keeps us pushing ourselves. What we didn't realise as we were running was that we both wanted to stop and walk, however because neither of us actually did stop we just kept going!

Our next long run will be on Saturday and 12 miles - a gradual build up each week. After that we are going skiing - neither of us is sure which we are more excited about: a week skiing or a potential week off training...