Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Hmmm, cycling to Ditton Priors is really steep!

I set out today with the aim of doing a really long cycle ride but stupidly decided that it would be a good idea to go up round the hill via Tugford and Abdon and above Ditton Priors (super steep hill in Shropshire country for those not familiar with it), above Earnstrey. Following that I shot (rather an exaggeration of my steady pace) back down through Ditton and out towards the Water Tower and then on down to Weston. I cut across country to Brockton and then took the main road home.

Total distance 16 miles. Not an amazing effort but a VERY good lung and leg work out - at one stage the hill I was trying to bike up was so steep I almost fell backwards off the bike.

Stopping in too difficult a gear on a ludicrously steep hill was a real error as I found out and the fact that Daddy had a) pumped up the tyres really hard and b) raised the seat so I could hardly touch the ground did not help. I almost toppled right off the bike trying to get to a gear in which I could actually turn the wheels.

Not sure it was one of my finest moments and I was very pleased there were only sheep to watch me. I just don't think I am a natural cyclist...

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