Wednesday, 25 March 2009

All the toys came out of the pram.

I had a serious tantrum last night and behaved rather like a petulant child for a full, long drawn out 30 seconds...

Grumps was running over to discuss the quiz and so I headed out for a quick trot post-work before she arrived. My shin has been aching a bit since our big run on Saturday but I had thought nothing of it - there is usually some part of us that aches at the moment; part of the fun of the whole thing I am told...

So I set out on Tuesday's run (1m jog, 3 x 1.5 mile steady (14 mins) and 400m slow (3 mins), then 1m jog) looking, I think, rather professional. Fozzy has lent me her running lycras so now I have proper gear rather than huge Jack Wills tracksuit bottoms (the first pair ever to do any real exercise other than walking along the King's Road) which Grumps said make me look like a shire horse, charming...

Approximately 100 metres up the road my shin was really starting to hurt so I did a few stretches and carried on, but less than 1/4 mile into the run I had to stop and could not run on. That is not strictly speaking true, I could have physically made myself run on but was worried about a real injury.

This was the point I started having a strop. It is very frustrating when you have gone to the effort of getting changed, stretching and setting out to find that you can't actually do the darn run (I was also secretly looking forward to the run). So I had a serious tantrum to myself and started stamping my feet on my way home. Unfortunately this made my shin hurt more which made me even more cross. At this stage I had the mentality of a two year old and was seriously considering lying on the pavement and beating my arms and legs on the ground. Luckily sense came through and I resisted this temptation and headed home instead.

I am off to the osteo on Friday and no running until then, please can everyone cross their fingers that it is nothing more than a temporary ache...

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