Sunday, 15 March 2009

A half marathon was bad enough...

While Grumple was running around Arthur's seat in the Burgh this weekend, our coach extraordinaire, Roro, ran with me around the slightly less dramatic scenery of Battersea Park. The aim was a half marathon (13.1 miles) in sub-2 hours. And we did it! 1 hour 57 so only just under 2 hours but still, a big acheivement.

At the end the feeling of elation was quickly diminshed when I thought about having to run the same length again on top, 13.1 was bad enough!!

I have also been told that there is a blue line one must follow when doing the marathon and if you don't then you end up running further. I am also worried about the huge numbers of people we are going to be surrounded by; apparently there is the chance of actually being run over by everybody else and trampled! The whole thing sounds frankly terrifying to me and now I am not worried about not making the distance, I am worried about not surviving full stop!!

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