Monday 16 March 2009

No more big booze ups...

We have given up drinking until after the marathon... I know that many people say you don't need to give up drinking at all but we want to give ourselves the best chance we have of completing the darn thing.

There may possibly be the odd glass of apples or wine that we drink on special occasions but our days of jaeger bombs (which Grumps drinks ALL the time) are over for 6 weeks.

Oh and I am bored of the Marathon Urban Legend...

If I hear one more story about somebody's "friend's gym instructor's cousin's sister" who did no training, got smashed the night before the marathon and then ran it in 3 1/2 hours I will scream - that has to be an urban legend. And if not, then why are these people not properly training because surely with that much natural talent they could beat EVERYONE!!!

Maybe Grumps and I are being quite strict with ourselves and putting in more than we need to, but why not? Let's face it, we are only going to do this once!!!!

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