Monday 16 March 2009

Why doesn't it get easier??

People keep telling us that we won’t want to stop running after the Marathon… who are they kidding?! Clearly we’re not communicating our dislike for this sport clearly enough. I nearly died after running 4 miles in to work last week- I felt worse than I did during 16…it really makes no sense!

We were split up again this week and I was faced with another Scottish climb- I thought the sand dunes in Montrose were bad but the hills and gale force winds around Edinburgh proved a serious challenge! We were supposed to do a ½ marathon- Abbs tore around London in just under 2 hours with our tireless and slightly loco trainer Roro whilst I aimed for a much smaller treck around Edinburgh. I thought 5 miles at a good pace up hills would be OK (I had promised Neil I would take it easy as it was his birthday and he didn’t want me falling asleep at the rugby). I mapped out a route and it came to 7 miles- a good enough distance. Needless to say my sense of direction stayed at home as always and I somehow managed to lose Arthur’s Seat (the Mountain in the middle of Edinburgh that I was running round) and when re-mapped on my return realised that my initial idea of doing 5 miles had in fact turned in to 9… Oh well, much better for me and I managed to stay awake for the rugby! No idea how long it took (Abbs is much better at monitoring the technical stuff!) but at points the wind was so strong that I’m sure I was running on the spot!

Anyway, this week looks tough- 10 miles on Thursday- This schedule must have been written by a student! Also my boss has just said that he won’t sponsor us unless we do it in sub 4 hours- does he not think 26 miles is going to knacker our bodies enough?? Luckily we have incredible support from lots of other wonderful people who understand that not only have we set ourselves a ridiculous enough challenge but the money is not for us but rather a very worthy cause!

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