Tuesday 24 March 2009

Sunny Shropshire and beating Neil - what more could I want?

Parted again from my partner (we just can’t go on like this!) I managed to rope the long suffering Neil in to joining me. Seeing as he never runs further than the length of a rugby pitch I was very impressed at his eagerness to join me (what is it about boys being unable to accept that a girl - especially a girlfriend - can do any sort of physical activity that they couldn’t?).

We cunningly stayed with Charlie and Rob on the flatter side of Shropshire and set off in gorgeous sunshine. When we got to the 1st marker of our journey I had to break it to Neil that we hadn’t done the 8 miles he was convinced of but a rather more meager 4.5… We continued on along the most beautiful route until it was clear that we had overshot our next turn off and had to call for directions…

Back on route and after 13 miles Neil left with Rob and Charlie who had come to rescue me with water (having forgotten my bottle I was haunted by the canal I was running along…persuading myself that 1 sip wouldn’t hurt… and anyway, how bad can viles disease be?) Luckily I shunned temptation and waited for the volvic!

The last leg, having stopped for 15 mins at mile 13, was not ideal but I was greeted by a princess in a shining Volvo (Charlie) who stopped me a mile before what I thought was the end to tell me that if I continued I would have done 20 miles. In the car I hopped! Great news. I had done 19 miles in 3 hours with a 15 min break in the middle and I didn’t feel like dying! (Well, that’s before I sat in the car for 40 mins…I felt a little crippled at the end of that!)

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