Monday 9 March 2009

Team Effort.

Grumps and I were seperated this weekend and Grumps ran around London whilst I ran on the Isle of Wight. Luckily we have back up team support (thanks guys!) and on Saturday Grumps met up with Roro (Rosie Donaldson; coach extraordinaire) and they went for a 16 mile trot around the streets of London.

I was supported by Jamie (brother-in-law and runner bean) and we pootled around West Wight, 16 miles in about 2hrs 40 mins. There were a LOT of hills but the scenery helped to distract us, it was a stunning route - for those how know the area; we ran onto Headon, almost to the Needles, up and over Tennyson and round the River Yar. Then back along the coast and past Colwell Bay. That was only about 12 miles so then we trotted back up Headon. The route is below:

It was exhausting and the depressing thing was getting to the end and realising that on the day we will have to keep going for another 10 miles...

We are now pinning a lot of hope on the adrenaline rush that everyone keeps talking about for the actual day although we are not sure we are supposed to rely on it for 10 whole miles???

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