Sunday 22 March 2009

A short 18 mile trot to liven up the weekend...

I did chuckle to myself as I set off on my 18 mile run at 7.30am on Saturday morning, having not smoked for weeks and not drunk for 6 days. I would have bet money this time last year that I would never willingly run at 7.30 on a Saturday morning, let alone 18 miles...

Grumps and I both ran 18 miles and actually it really was fine - both had little murmurs in various joints, shins and my hips were very seized towards the end of the run, but nothing that we are not getting used to now. In fact, by the end of the run I realised that I was going to finish in just over 3 hours and 1 minute so I decided this would not do and upped the pace into virtually a headlong sprint. I managed not to break into the minute and made it in 3 hours 18 seconds - much better!

I think both of us are amazed at the fact we can actually run that far without needing a stretcher! The main effect I have found is with my appetite: throughout the weekend I ate like a horse to make up for the big run and at Sunday lunch I ate my main and then finished up three other people's plates as well...

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