Wednesday 15 April 2009

Marathon training of 5 weeks without running and now with heel lifts and leg baths???

5 weeks without running is pretty much what I will have done... Since the big 18 miler I did nearly four weeks ago, I have only run 3 times and none of those have been more than 7 miles... And now I have been told not to run again before the marathon.

Today I went to see Fred who is the excellent physio that Katy has been seeing throughout her knee ops. He has diagnosed me as having a small tear in my calf muscle where it joins the tendons. He was adamant that I should not run again before the marathon; except for a short jog next Friday. When I do this jog I can appraise the situation and decide if I can run the marathon (the answer to which is already indisputedly a yes, even if Grumps has to carry me or I have to crawl)...

In the meantime I should not do any running at all and no gym work because even the cross trainer has impact on the leg. I have to nurse my leg so that it can heal as much as possible. I have to wear heel lifts (which are really springy, I feel like I am walking on the moon - I am sure the novelty will wear off) and soak my leg in water as hot as I can bear every day at least once a day. This will get the blood flowing which should help the healing.

I am however allowed to cycle, so Cal and I are heading off to Surrey Hills very early on Saturday morning to do some cycling (I am not sure he knows how much of a simpleton I am when attached to a bike). The other plan is to cycle all or at least most of the final part of the marathon very early on Monday or Tuesday so that I am mentally prepared for the route. At least I can be mentally prepared if not physically!!

I am allowed to swim but as my swimming talent is even worse than my cycling talent, I am not sure that this is a good idea - drowning would not be ideal.

Sammy Kemp is adamant about the 'jam in the doughnut' which is increasing the core fitness by doing some sort of exercise called the plank. This is an extremely painful version of a press up which helps to strengthen the stomach muscles (I think...).

So with a mix of cycling and the all important Jam, I am doing everything I can to ensure that none of you get your money back!!! I will complete the darn thing; as Lawrence Armstrong said:

Pain is temporary, quitting is permanent!!!

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